Fletcher Instruments - Tenor Guitars & Banjos Home Instruments Accessory Store

Tenor Guitars & Banjos



Hi Everyone,

IT'S SPRING and so I'm lowering my prices a little. Tenor guitar base price is now $2749. 5-string banjos now start at $2549.

Please send an email to place an order.


Check out the new Facebook page for current projects and other info.


I have a bunch of 5-string banjos in the works. They will be available later this year.


I've had a lot of fun designing and making tailpieces for the tenor guitars and most recently 5 string banjos.

Check out the new line of tailpieces!

Tenor Guitar Eclipse Tailpiece Tenor Guitar Eclipse Tailpiece Banjo Tailpiece Banjo Tailpiece
Fletcher Tenor Guitar Spruce Top and Mahogany